
The Acctivate brand is an important reflection of our company and product. The following are the guidelines to help in accurately using our name and/or logo within our branding standards. Below you will find how to accurately use the Acctivate name in text, access to low and high resolutions of the Acctivate logo and how to correctly use the logo. If you have any questions or concerns not addressed in these branding guidelines please contact our marketing department at [email protected].

Acctivate in text

Acctivate should always be capitalized and is written as “Acctivate”.

When including a descriptor with Acctivate use “Inventory Management Software” as in “Acctivate Inventory Management Software”. If less characters are required “Inventory Software” may be used as in “Acctivate Inventory Software”.

The Acctivate Logo

Download our logo

Please follow the logo guidelines below when using the Acctivate logo.

Logo Guidelines

Clear space
Do not crowd the Acctivate logo. Keep an appropriate amount of clear space between the logo and any surrounding elements to ensure maximum visibility and legibility (see below). Clear space equals the width of the first ‘a’ in the logo on the x-axis and the height of that ‘a’ on the y-axis. The amount of clear space will vary depending on the logo size.

Acctivate logo clear space

Legibility of the logo must be maintained at all sizes. The minimum size of the logo that can be used is 2 inches wide.

Minimum size for Acctivate logo

Use the appropriate logo (as listed below) to ensure there is sufficient contrast between the logo and the background. Do not place any of the logo variations on a busy background or a background with inadequate contrast.

Primary logo usage on light backgrounds

Acctivate logo standard

Primary logo usage on dark backgrounds

Acctivate reverse logo for dark backgrounds

In cases where only one-color can be used due to cost or production use the solid black or white versions of the Acctivate logo as shown below.

Secondary logo usage on light backgrounds

Acctivate logo (black)

Secondary logo usage on dark backgrounds

Acctivate logo (white)

The Acctivate logo uses the two colors indicated below. In the case of the reversed and all white versions pure white is used. Do not use any other colors or modify these colors.


color black

CMYK: 75C 68M 67Y 90K
RGB: 0R 0G 0B
HEX: #000000


Acctivate Blue Color

PantoneĀ® 7688 C
CMYK: 71C 27M 0Y 16K
RGB: 62R 155G 213B
HEX: #3e9bd5

Incorrect logo usage
Please do not alter, modify or recreate the Acctivate logo in any way. These examples illustrate how not to use the logo, but do not include all instances of misuse.

Incorrect Acctivate logo usage