Android Inventory Counts

The Acctivate Android Inventory Count module allows you to perform accurate warehouse inventory counts. You can use the desktop version of Acctivate to select which products should be included in the count session, then use your Android handheld scanner to scan products stocked within your warehouse locations. The Acctivate Android app makes ensuring accurate inventory…

Business Activity Manager

The Business Activity Manager offers the ability to manage Business Activities in a familiar, flexible, and configurable format. An improvement over the Business Activity Review, the Business Activity Manager allows you to save your filters as buttons making it easier than ever to have quick access to different Activities. The Business Activity Manager also allows…

Product Transactions tab

The Transactions tab of the Product List presents product history and transactions in an intuitive and easy to navigate layout. The Transactions tab allows you to quickly find all open, sales, purchasing, and inventory transactions for a product. Advanced filtering can be applied and saved per user or they can be made available for all…