Built For
Matthew 25: Ministries
Almost half the world – over three billion people – live on less than $2.50 a day
a statistic recognized by Matthew 25: Ministries, a federally recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose efforts provide disaster aid and humanitarian relief.
Matthew 25 serves the poor, the marginalized and disadvantaged in the developing world, as well as the underserved populations in the United States.
Matthew 25 rescues and reuses products – that would otherwise be thrown away – from major corporations, manufacturers, hospitals and individuals.
Don Olson, chief financial officer, described Matthew 25’s inventory needs:
Order management
Items are donated to Matthew 25 and they ship the donated goods to partner organizations in the recipient locations that make the final distribution to the people in need. So, Matthew 25 doesn’t sell items, but they do utilize the functionality of Acctivate’s sales order management solution to manage their inventory.
Matthew 25 tracks the pallets of goods they ship, rather than individual goods. They ship 40 foot ocean going containers that hold up to 36 pallets of goods. When a recipient location needs goods, the partner organization in that location requests the needed items and Matthew 25 customizes the containers for them.
Lot tracking
Prior to Acctivate, Matthew 25 was using a Microsoft Access® database that Olson had created from scratch to track their inventory.
A track record that spans decades
In the search for an inventory management solution, Olson chose Acctivate for its integration with QuickBooks and track record that spans decades.
Call us at 817-870-1311