Built For


Manufacturer of specialized bird feed

Operations at a Glance
The need for an inventory solution with capabilities beyond QuickBooks.
An intuitive inventory software solution with a seamless sync to QuickBooks.
Continued growth and success since 2018.
Roudybush, founded by Tom Roudybush in 1985, manufactures specialized bird foods. Tom conducted 16 years of nutritional research on a variety of birds from around the world. Using his detailed knowledge of bird nutrition, Tom began manufacturing bird food to address specific needs and issues in companion birds and prescription food for veterinary purposes.
QuickBooks wasn’t enough
As demand for products grew, Roudybush quickly realized that more than QuickBooks was needed to manage inventory, manufacturing, warehouses, and other business operations. When Roudybush found Acctivate, they knew they found the correct solution.
Years later, when Amanda Moore, Bookkeeper, was hired, she found Acctivate to be easy to learn and very helpful.
A powerful inventory solution with a seamless sync to QuickBooks

Acctivate is probably one of the easiest programs that I run. It’s really intuitive. Our warehouse manager, Ricardo, puts all the information I need in and then I can process all of our purchase orders and everything within Acctivate, and it’s seamless.
While it took me a year to become comfortable with all of the ins and outs outside of accounting, the learning curve for what I use it for was not very steep at all.”
Inventory Control
Roudybush works with many raw ingredients and a variety of vendors to manufacture their different lines of bird food.
So, we open Acctivate, we have our product list and everything we need to see. I can see all of the ingredients that would go into our food and I can easily enter them into a new purchase order as needed.
We also have lots of different vendors that we send out purchase orders for the various ingredients. We have – raw materials, different pellets – things like that. So, seeing everything in Acctivate is a really nice way to see not only the cost but also what kind of product it’s going to go into.”
Purchase Orders
The ease of creating and updating purchase orders quickly in Acctivate helps Roudybush run smoothly.
It’s really seamless to be able to just have your purchase order there from Acctivate and then easily go in once you invoice it and make updates.
If I get multiple invoices on a single PO, then it will update as I enter those in and also updates the cost based on what I’m getting.”

Mobile Warehouse
Mobile warehouse management creates a flexible, fast-paced work environment for warehouse staff.
I think using mobile devices in the warehouse allows them to be more versatile, and able to easily do inventory and get the orders out of the way. It is very beneficial for our warehouse to have those mobile devices.”
Lot Tracking
Lot tracking allows Roudybush to be completely transparent with its customers.
While we’ve never had to recall anything, the lot tracking helps a lot when customers call about discrepancies. We can go back to the lots and look at those.
It’s very helpful to see the weights, the measurements, the bags and what kind of ingredients they have. It is very helpful to have that information right at our fingers tips to help our customers and vendors.”

Acctivate is very helpful
Acctivate definitly picked up where QuickBooks was lagging. It automates things for me that otherwise would take me a really long time to enter the data alone. Acctivate is very helpful.”
Call us at 817-870-1311