Implement EDI for a Better Night’s Sleep

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Logo of Intuit QuickBooks, which works with Acctivate to help businesses implement EDI to sell to big box retailers
Brad Bearden, Product Manager of Acctivate inventory Software explores implementing EDI and explains:

Implement EDI for a Better Night’s Sleep

Person after a sleepless night from worrying about the accuracy and efficiency of business transactions with trading partners

Have you ever tossed and turned at night, worrying about the accuracy and efficiency of your business transactions? If so, you’re not alone.

Managing orders and the flow of information between your business and your trading partners can be a source of stress and sleepless nights. Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, can transform how you handle transactions. By eliminating the need for manual data entry and automating the exchange of business documents, EDI offers a seamless solution to help you achieve a better night’s sleep.

In this article, we’ll explore how implementing EDI can streamline your operations, reduce errors, and ultimately, give you the peace of mind you’ve longed for.

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic transmission of documents between businesses in a standardized format. EDI allows businesses to automate the exchange of essential information such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices, and more. By replacing manual processes with automated ones, EDI reduces the need for paper-based documentation and minimizes the risk of errors.

How EDI Works

EDI operates through standardized message formats that enable seamless communication between different systems. These formats ensure that all parties involved in the transaction can interpret the data correctly, regardless of the underlying software they use.

Here’s a simple breakdown of how EDI works:

  • Document Preparation: The sender’s system prepares the electronic document using a standard format.
  • Translation: The document is translated into an EDI format that can be understood by the receiver’s system.
  • Transmission: The EDI document is securely transmitted to the receiver via a network such as the Internet, a value-added network (VAN), or a direct connection.
  • Receipt and Processing: The receiver’s system interprets the EDI document and processes the information accordingly.

EDI Management Software

EDI management software is crucial in facilitating and optimizing the EDI process, helping businesses manage their EDI transactions, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Critical features of EDI management software include:

  • Automation: EDI documents are automatically sent and received, reducing the need for re-keying and manual intervention.
  • Multi-channel processing: Once orders are received, EDI management software consolidates EDI orders with orders from all other channels into one system for order processing, fulfillment, inventory management, and customer management.
  • Special handling requirements: EDI management software handles complex orders of any size, with the ability to differentiate between multiple product lines and grouped shipments.
  • Visibility: Operations are streamlined by providing visibility and accuracy.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: EDI management software provides real-time visibility into transaction statuses and generates reports for performance analysis.

EDI management software allows businesses to further enhance the efficiency and accuracy of their EDI processes, making it easier to manage large volumes of transactions with minimal effort.

Benefits of Implementing EDI

Circular arrows with 2 computers and documents representing the flow of transactions with EDI trading partners

Implementing EDI can bring numerous advantages to your business, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. Here are some key benefits:

Automation of Transactions

One of the most significant benefits of EDI is the automation of business transactions. EDI allows for automatically exchanging documents such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, reducing the need for manual data entry, allowing your employees to focus on more critical tasks.

Elimination of Re-Keying Errors

Highly prone to errors, manual data entry leads to costly mistakes and delays. EDI eliminates the need for re-keying information, ensuring data is accurate and consistent across all transactions. This accuracy helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes with trading partners, contributing to smoother business operations.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

With EDI, the time required to process transactions is significantly reduced. Documents that once took days to process can now be completed in minutes. This increased speed enhances overall productivity, allowing your business to handle higher volumes of transactions without additional resources.

Cost Savings

Implementing EDI can lead to substantial cost savings. By automating transactions and eliminating paper-based processes, businesses can reduce printing, postage, and storage expenses. Additionally, reduced errors and improved efficiency contribute to lower operational costs.

Improved Business Relationships

EDI enhances communication with trading partners by ensuring that information is exchanged quickly and accurately. Improved communication leads to better collaboration and stronger relationships with suppliers and customers. Timely and accurate information exchange enhances the reliability and trust that is crucial for long-term business relationships.

Enhanced Visibility and Control

EDI provides real-time visibility into transaction statuses, enabling businesses to track the progress of orders, invoices, and shipments. This visibility allows for better monitoring and control of business processes, leading to improved decision-making and responsiveness to market changes.

Compliance and Security

EDI ensures that all transactions comply with industry standards and regulatory requirements. This compliance reduces the risk of fines and penalties associated with non-compliance. Moreover, EDI transactions are secure, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access and ensuring data integrity.

By implementing EDI, businesses can reap these benefits and achieve a more streamlined, efficient, and reliable operation, leading to a more peaceful and stress-free business environment.

EDI Implementation Case Study: Coton Colors

Coton Colors logo, a company that implemented EDI to automate and connect their process for selling to large retailers

Coton Colors, a lifestyle brand that lives by the motto “never miss an opportunity to celebrate every day,” experienced a surge in demand for its kitchen, home, and gift products. As it expanded its SKUs and overall inventory, it began to outgrow its small, single warehouse and QuickBooks®.

Outgrowing QuickBooks

As Coton Colors grew, managing demand with QuickBooks became increasingly complicated. Lauren Davidson, Inventory Manager, explained, “We outgrew QuickBooks. The biggest limitations were inventory management. QuickBooks, overall for inventory management, was a lot more manual.”

With QuickBooks as their only system, Coton Colors faced challenges in stocking and tracking inventory across multiple warehouses, including an “on-the-water” warehouse for overseas shipping. They enhanced QuickBooks’ functionality with Acctivate.

“Being able to use multiple warehouses was one function we really liked with Acctivate. It still uses QuickBooks for invoicing purposes, so it would sync with QuickBooks,” Davidson said.

The addition of Acctivate removed their previous limitations while keeping QuickBooks intact for invoicing and financial management. The bidirectional synchronization between the two systems provided a powerful, centralized solution for running their business.

The Addition of EDI Management

Coton Colors tabletop products, which are sold to major retailers through EDI

Three years later, Acctivate continued to support Coton Colors’ growth. Acctivate’s seamless integration with TrueCommerce, an EDI provider, enabled Coton Colors to automate and connect their process for selling to large retailers. This integration allowed Coton Colors to easily get their products onto the virtual and physical shelves of major retailers such as Belk®, Dillard’s, Macy’s®, Neiman Marcus®, and Wayfair®.

The solid relationships with retailers allowed Coton Colors to implement a seamless, connected EDI management solution, replacing their former disjointed processes.

“When we learned that TrueCommerce could still work with our customers and Acctivate, that was a big plus for us. With TrueCommerce, we have saved significant time by connecting straight to Acctivate. We used to hand-key more than 1,000 orders a month. Now, we can import orders with one click and then export them with another click. Processing those orders has become much easier, saving us at least two hours a day.”

Just as Acctivate helped Coton Colors grow into an integrated EDI solution, it will continue to support their future growth. With the addition of TrueCommerce, they can handle increased order volume and work with virtually any big-box retailer.

Handling Peak Demand

With streamlined order management and fulfillment, Coton Colors handles significant increased demand, manage consumer drop-ship orders, and supply products to large retailers, especially during the busy fourth quarter.

“The fourth quarter of 2017 was huge for us with drop-ship orders and corporate orders. This demand explosion highlighted the need for better automation with our inventory management system, Acctivate. Automating our processes was a huge success. We used to spend entire days entering orders manually. With TrueCommerce, we’re excited to do batch import, export, and invoicing. Batch printing pack lists and other documents is going to be a game-changer for us.”

Coton Colors looks forward to the continued benefits of expedited order fulfillment processes with TrueCommerce and Acctivate.

“One of our biggest initiatives was to lessen the order processing time. Manual entry slowed down the whole process. Once we automated that, the order turnaround time increased significantly. The accuracy of data entry has also improved since the information comes directly from our customers to Acctivate, reducing the risk of errors and chargebacks.”

Find Out More!
Learn more about Acctivate Inventory Software by connecting with our product experts.

Call us at 817-870-1311

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