onboarding manager

Lauren Stine

Lauren Stine, Onboarding Manager

Lauren Stine is the Onboarding Manager for the Acctivate Software Team. Since 2012, Lauren has worked as an inventory expert focusing on helping clients learn Acctivate and maximize its benefits for their businesses. Her expertise involves inventory, QuickBooks, and solution-focused problem-solving, bringing her clients great satisfaction when they exit Onboarding with Acctivate live. Lauren is from Arlington, Texas and graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a B.S. in Accounting. Lauren considers herself both a big-picture and detailed oriented person depending on the project or questions at hand.

What Lauren values most about her role at the company is the success stories she receives from customers across a wide spectrum of industries she has onboarded onto Acctivate. Lauren is a great problem solver and being able to meet the different and varying needs of her customers brings her great satisfaction. Lauren also loves the friendships she has made over the last several years working on the team – it brings her pride to see such an amazing group of people with all sorts of personality types work together and bring success to the software.

Between now and five years, she hopes to travel to many of the worldwide destinations on her bucket list and have a very detailed dive log almost full of all the new places she’s scuba-dived. What fascinates Lauren most about technology is that we are surrounded by all sorts of cool technology and information, but is disappointed that people mostly use the technology to consume products and pointless videos.


Onboarding Manager


University of Texas at Arlington

More fun facts…

Myers-Briggs: ESTJ: The Executive

Creative Type: The Maker