What’s New in

Acctivate Inventory Software

Manager Window Improvements

The Manager windows (Sales Order Manager, Purchase Order Manager, Inventory Manager, and Business Activity Manager) offer a powerful foundation for bulk managing Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Products, and Business Activities.

V12.3 introduces productivity features to the Manager windows to make Acctivate more efficient. Learn how to group, search, and select rows like a power user.

Inventory Manager

Acctivate version 12.3 debuts the Inventory Manager.

The Inventory Manager displays product warehouse information to provide visibility into the stock levels and warehouse quantities for various products.

Use the Inventory Manager window as the starting point for initiating reorders and assemblies for stock, and also bulk update product statuses and other action.

As with other Manager windows, you can create custom bars and buttons which give you the ability to repeatedly view and manage specific products.

Create Reorders

Create Reorders Screen in Acctivate

Acctivate version 12.3 introduces an improved and transparent process for reordering inventory based on stock levels.

The Reorders tab of the Business Alerts has been replaced by the Create Reorders window which offers many advantages over its predecessor.

The reorder process now starts with the new Inventory Manager, allowing you to select products that are suggested for reordered based on Acctivate’s reorder formula.

You can also choose to reorder any inventoried and non-inventoried products, even if they aren’t suggested for reorder yet. This allows you to be more efficient when ordering from your vendor.

Once products have been selected, the Create Reorders window gives you an opportunity to view the inventory quantities and adjust the vendor, vendor product ID, quantity, price, and unit.

The Create Reorders window is efficient and transparent making it easy to ensure that you have inventory when you need it.

Create Assemblies

Create Assemblies Screen in Acctivate

Just like the reorders process, improvements have been made to the process for batch creating assembly sessions for assembly products which are below their stocking level.

Simply start with the new Inventory Manager window and select the assembly products suggested to be assembled for stock or choose any assembly products which you’d like to assemble, and load them into the Create Assemblies window.

In the Create Assemblies window, you have visibility of the inventory levels and which sales orders require this product. Either accept the suggested build quantities or adjust them then create the assembly session for the selected products.

The Create Assemblies window acts as a powerful and transparent tool for managing inventory levels of your assembly products.

ShipStation Sales Order Import

ShipStation Sales Order Import

Acctivate 12.3 supports importing sales orders from ShipStation.

By importing sales orders from ShipStation, Acctivate gains access to ShipStation’s extensive list of web store integrations.

Simply integrate your web store with ShipStation, then let Acctivate import in the web orders. This powerful new integration allows Acctivate and ShipStation to work together to manage the sales order lifecycle including:

  • Allocating inventory
  • Picking from optimal warehouse locations
  • Tracking lot and serial numbers
  • Packaging and shipping

OneDrive / SharePoint Integration

By default, Acctivate stores note and email attachments within its database. This can strain storage capacity over time, potentially forcing an upgrade from the free Microsoft SQL Server Express included with Acctivate to a paid version.

To avoid this, Acctivate now offers integration with OneDrive or SharePoint folders. With this integration, your attachments remain accessible within Acctivate, but they’ll be stored securely in the cloud, freeing up valuable database space.

UI and UX Enhancements

As part of our ongoing commitment to making the software easier and more enjoyable to use, we’ve made improvements to the user interface and experience throughout Acctivate.

Some of the exciting changes include:

  • Managing Product Substitutions: You can now create or edit product substitutions from the Product list. Simply use the Create menu to select Substitution or you can click the edit/pencil icon to the left of a row to edit it.
  • Product Price Tab. The Prices tab of the Product list presents price codes in an easy-to-understand layout. Additionally, price codes associated with the product’s Price Category are now displayed.
  • Product Vendor and BOM Tabs: Improve the layout of Vendor and Bill of Material information and allow selecting the columns that are important to you.
  • Payment, Vendor, and Activities Windows: Updates include a familiar and modern style.
  • Simplified Sales and Purchasing Menus: Legacy sales and purchasing options such as Print Orders, Print Pick Ticket, Create Invoices and more have been deprecated in favor of the options available in the Sales and Purchase Order Managers which offer more flexible filtering options and the ability to perform additional actions. Check out our article explaining this change and how to use the Manager windows to get the most out of Acctivate.

Android Inventory Assemblies

The Acctivate Android Inventory Assembly module allows creating, editing, and posting Inventory Assembly transactions from a compatible Android device. Using the mobile Inventory Assembly module, you can scan lot or serial number barcodes for assembly products and components.

Improved Sales Order Entry

Acctivate 12.2 brings an upgrade to your sales order entry experience with a sleek, information-rich data entry grid. The double row per order line grid layout has been replaced with a single row per line, offering unprecedented clarity and navigation.

System administrators can customize the grid to display only the data that matters most to your business. The sales order grid expands the information available to you by showcasing new columns for cost, estimated margin, and even custom fields.

Dive deeper into product details with the convenient footer panel. Here, you’ll find the product image, alternate IDs, and quick action buttons, like viewing components or selecting substitutions. Access Special Orders, Drop Ship POs, and Assembly sessions created from the sales order by using the related link in the footer panel. Additionally, Lot/Serial and Custom field entry are now a breeze in this same space, eliminating the need for opening extra windows.

In short, 12.2’s data entry grid is a productivity powerhouse, tailored to streamline your workflow and empower informed decision-making.

Improved Inventory Transaction Entry

Across all inventory transactions, including Inventory Receipts, you’ll now find a single row per line detail grid with configurable columns that can be tailored to your unique workflow. This means less clutter and more focus on the information that matters most.

And for those times when you need to move inventory quickly, the Inventory Transfer window now supports loading a posted Assembly, Receipt, or Transfer session. Imagine a Purchase Order arriving at your East Coast warehouse but needing to be relocated across the country. Now, with just a few clicks, you can load the original receipt’s details, including lot/serial numbers, ensuring an accurate and seamless transfer process.

Data Presentation Additions and Improvements

Acctivate 12.2 adds vital information to the Customer list and improves the layout and functionality of other data presentation screens.

The Customer list adds Ship To, Contacts, and Prices tabs which allow you to view all your customer information in one convenient place.

The Sales Order, Invoice, Purchase Order, and Purchase Invoice screen boast a reorganized layout that offers clarity and the power to choose which columns are displayed so that the screens show the information that fits your needs.

To top it off, a contextual side panel keeps relevant document information at your fingertips, making decision-making and navigation a breeze. Version 12.2 is all about putting the information you need where you need it, when you need it. Welcome to a more informed and organized workflow!

Installation and Deployment

Version 12.2 introduces a significant improvement to the installation process, eliminating the need for workstations to connect to shared folders on the server. Instead, they now establish direct connections to the database server, streamlining the setup and deployment of new installs.

See V12.1 in action – Watch the overview video

Android Inventory Counts

The Acctivate Android Inventory Count module allows you to perform accurate warehouse inventory counts. You can use the desktop version of Acctivate to select which products should be included in the count session, then use your Android handheld scanner to scan products stocked within your warehouse locations. The Acctivate Android app makes ensuring accurate inventory and identifying loss easy.

Business Activity Manager

The Business Activity Manager offers the ability to manage Business Activities in a familiar, flexible, and configurable format. An improvement over the Business Activity Review, the Business Activity Manager allows you to save your filters as buttons making it easier than ever to have quick access to different Activities.

The Business Activity Manager also allows for performing actions on a group of Activities, such as:

  • Assign Activities to a user
  • Change the priority and status
  • Print and email Activities
  • Add a note to a group of Activities.
Acctivate V12.1 - Business Activity Manager
Acctivate V12.1 - Business Activity Manager, change status

Customer Transactions Tab

The Transactions tab of the Customer List presents customer history and transactions in an intuitive and easy-to-navigate layout. The Transactions tab allows you to quickly find all open order, invoice & payment transactions, as well as a list of products purchased by the customer. Advanced filtering can be applied and saved per user, or they can be made available for all users.

Acctivate V12.1 - Customer Transactions tab

Report Management Improvements

The Report Catalog configuration window has been moved out of the Configuration Manager and is now accessible from the File menu by selecting the Manage Reports menu item. Users with Manage Reports permissions can set up and configure reports without needing access to other system configuration options.

In 12.1, custom reports will be stored in the Acctivate database. This means that custom reports are now included in database backups, ensuring your custom reports are protected from loss.

Manage Reports menu option in V12.1

See V12 in action – Watch the overview video

Purchase Order Manager

The Purchase Order Manager offers the ability to manage vendor purchase orders in a familiar, flexible, and configurable format.

The Purchase Order manager provides many benefits:

  • Key information such as the receiving and invoicing status is prominently displayed.
  • Users can configure their own PO Manager Bars and Buttons. This allows you to group PO’s in the manner that suits you best.
  • Batch email purchase order documents and batch receive PO’s.
Acctivate V12 - Purchase Order Manager

Product List Transactions Tab

The Transactions tab of the Product List presents product history and transactions in an intuitive and easy to navigate layout. The Transactions tab allows you to quickly find all open, sales, purchasing, and inventory transactions for a product. Advanced filtering can be applied and saved per user or they can be made available for all users.

Acctivate V12 - Product List Transactions tab

Picklist Improvements

Leverage the efficiency of warehouse picking with and warehouse location management by using the improved Picklist window.

Improvements include:

  • Prioritize how locations are selected. Users can choose preferred locations with the highest availability in order to minimize the number of bins the picker must visit; or, locations with the lowest availability can prioritized allowing you to pick from an overflow location first.
  • Non-inventoried items are now included in the picklist, ensuring that the picking process is as efficient as possible.
Acctivate V12 - Picklist Improvements

Improved Customer & Product List Windows

Acctivate 11.3 improves user interface of the Customer and Product List windows for more consumable information at a glance. Both List windows introduce a repurposed right panel that focus on recent and key activity.

Enhancements to the Customer List Window – Account tab & Product List window – Product tab include:

  • New customer & product summary key metrics.
  • Card style key account information.
  • More visual feedback on key decision making information.
  • Uncluttered presentation of fields and data.
  • For the Product tab, simplified layout with the product image now visible by default.
Customer List Window
Customer List Window
Product List Window
Product List Window

The Inventory tab of the Product List Window is refreshed with an inventory summary for key metrics, and a card style look with warehouse info and focused metrics.

Inventory tab of the Product List Window

Android Inventory Transfers

Android Mobile Warehouse Management delivers simplicity throughout with:

  • Straightforward installation from the Google Play Store.
  • Streamlined process for web service connection.
  • Sleek, modern interface of the mobile modules.
  • Intuitive, user-friendly functionality to perform tasks quickly and easily.

If using Acctivate Mobile for Android, access the preview on Google Play.

Acctivate Android Inventory Transfers on Google Play

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

In Version 11.1, Acctivate introduced mobile receiving and picking on Android mobile devices with embedded barcode readers after solely supported certain Windows Mobile compatible devices. Version 11.3 expands the mobile functionality available on Androids further with the addition of inventory transfers.

Android Inventory Transfers

Effortlessly transfer inventory across multiple warehouses and/or multiple locations within a single warehouse:

  • Achieve optimal warehouse organization with streamlined transfers.
  • Quickly scan barcodes to transfer inventory from one warehouse and/or bin location to another.
  • Ensure data accuracy with scanning rather than manual entry during transfer sessions.
  • Replenish inventory from your bulk locations and warehouses with ease as product is depleted in your picking locations.
Transfer inventory across multiple warehouses and/or multiple locations within a single warehouse

eCheck processing with QuickBooks Payments

Previously, Acctivate introduced full payment management for all methods including credit card processing through QuickBooks Payments. Acctivate 11.2 added to that feature with the ability to process eChecks using QuickBooks Payments, as well. With QuickBooks Payments being the preferred merchant of Acctivate, businesses can experience a seamless process to get paid instantly and have accurate books with bi-directional synchronization to QuickBooks.

Small to mid sized business gain competitive advantage with eCheck payment support:

  • Save time with electronic processing versus paper check payments.
  • Reduce past due payments from customers with a way to accept recurring payments.
  • Reliable source of payment with transactions processed via the ACH network.
  • Affordable processing fees via QuickBooks Payments.
  • Leverage data encryption for secure transactions on the merchant & customer side.
eCheck processing with QuickBooks Payments
eCheck processing approval

Improved timeline layouts in List windows

User feedback and usability tests have enabled the layout of timeline views within List windows to be better organized since their introduction to Acctivate in version 11.

Active and historical event timelines for customers, products, sales, vendors, purchasing, business activities, and invoices have an optimized presentation of pertinent data for users to find what they need even quicker.

Improved timeline layouts in List windows