Built For


Leading supplier of helicopter parts

Operations at a Glance
Developing a strong ecommerce presence to export globally.
An ecommerce strategy with a solid webstore platform integrated with an inventory management software to track inventory in real-time across multiple warehouses and all sales channels.
Becoming the first comprehensive webstore for Robinson Helicopter parts with ecommerce sales growing to comprise of an increasing share of overall Rotorcorp revenues.
Rotorcorp grew from the entrepreneurial innovation of brothers, Dan and Sean Casey starting in 2011. The two-man operation has grown to become the leading global supplier of Robinson Helicopter parts and overhaul kits for R22, R44 and R66 Helicopters. The brothers’ vision of providing time-sensitive parts worldwide with the largest in-stock inventory, reliable service, and affordable pricing became a reality as they positioned themselves as the first Authorized Robinson Service Center to sell parts online starting in 2018.
With a foundation of a large overseas customer base grown from a strong online presence, Rotorcorp worked to enhance their customers’ experience further from taking orders by phone and email to building a comprehensive ecommerce webstore.
Rotorcorp’s ecommerce strategy includes the need for a solid inventory management software
Rotorcorp invested in Acctivate Inventory Management Software as a key component of their ecommerce strategy, as it integrates with their ecommerce platform, WooCommerce and delivers real-time inventory visibility across all sales channels and robust operational controls for purchasing, sales, fulfillment, and customer activity.
Rotorcorp’s niche beyond traditional sales models has enabled them to support new and existing customers when similar businesses could not during 2020 and 2021. Their webstore and multiple locations successfully served their diverse customer base when other companies were experiencing labor shortages, high lead times, and logistics delays. As a result, their customer base increased by 10% and they were able to reach critical industries like agriculture, commercial fishing, law enforcement, and energy/gas sectors.
In an Aviation Magazine article, Rotorcorp CEO, Sean Casey shared that, “These critical industries keep us safe, keep the lights on, and keep food on our tables. While these are dire times, we are filled with pride to keep these customers flying safely. As we emerge from the global pandemic, our experience clearly illustrated the importance for Rotorcorp to be all-in on innovations like e-commerce.”
Rotorcorp continually seeks to enhance their customers’ ecommerce experience
With their growing ecommerce presence, Cody Stidham joined Rotorcorp in 2021 as their ecommerce manager to handle and boost product demand and has since been involved in many projects to enhance the online customer experience.

A lot of things we have been able to do between the web store and Acctivate have been beneficial for us. One of our main objectives was to get live inventory going on the site. That was something the Acctivate team helped me get synced up so we could start providing that for our customers,” Stidham said.
Rotorcorp customers have their expectations met by instantly seeing stock levels and quantities on-hand for the more than 3,200 of about 10,000 part numbers and can know when they will be delivered.
We’re taking in daily orders from our website, and those are flowing through to Acctivate for processing. There is a lot of back and forth there, on the order side, but also on the inventory management side. Acctivate is a one-stop-shop for us,” Stidham explained.

Rotorcorp prides themselves on offering high-quality customer service, and Stidham aims to deliver the same high-quality experience for webstore customers.
Acctivate has helped us with customer service through the ability to take orders and have them processed. When we come in, we can get going and get things ready to ship. We don’t have to have a sales rep available to take those orders at night, which has been very helpful, especially because a lot of our customers are international, and our hours of operation don’t quite line up.
By allowing them to place orders online that we can then quickly turnaround, has been very beneficial for us. That goes right back to that live inventory when we’re able to let customers know what we have on the shelf that can ship out the next day as opposed to some of the other materials we have to source in with lead times. It really has made a difference.”
Rotorcorp serves over 60 countries utilizing ecommerce & multiple warehouses
Acctivate helps Rotorcorp manage multiple warehouses, including virtual warehouses used for special orders, which covers parts that aren’t stocked. Inventory is tracked across all warehouses (virtual and physical) with precise inventory levels, and the historical sales data and detailed forecasting within Acctivate helps Rotorcorp stock the high demand parts in the warehouse to have ready to ship.

Most of what we’re doing in Acctivate, we have a main warehouse for our on-hand inventory and a special warehouse, which is for our online-ordered products or those that are enroute to us, and those that are housed somewhere else.”
With multiple warehouses, Rotorcorp has been able to export to over 60 countries in a cost-effective and timely manner, which is mostly to small organizations or those located in remote areas that face challenges securing parts.
Stidham praises Acctivate as a “great tool backed by an excellent support team”
Stidham has expressed a high-level of satisfaction with the customer service and support from the Acctivate team as he came in as a new user in 2021 and worked to enhance the webstore.
Acctivate is a great tool and is backed by an excellent support team. The customer service we received has been unbelievable. As we are looking to grow, we know we’re just scratching the top of the surface here with Acctivate. We’re looking to really start diving into more of the tools that you guys offer that we’re not utilizing. We look forward to figuring out how we can continue to grow this relationship, as well as we grow our company.”
Call us at 817-870-1311