Acctivate Version 9.0
Acctivate 9.0 introduces three new integrations with best-in-breed cloud software services. Acctivate 9.0 was generally available on May 19, 2014 (Build 3999).

Other Key Improvements include:
- Easily Insert, Move, and Delete lines on Sales and Purchase Orders
- Improvements to Sales Order Scheduling, including Scheduling from Business Alerts (Sales Order Mgmt) tab.
- Improvements to the foundation and functionality of Lot/Serial control numbers
- Email settings are now configurable for each Acctivate user, which includes better support for Microsoft Office 365 and Gmail.
- Windows File/Folder locations have been modified based on best practices dictated by Microsoft.
The full release notes are listed below:
9.0 Release history
Component | Summary |
Attachments | Integration with SmartVault Document Management Service |
Business Activity | Ability to link a Business Activity to a lot/serial number in the Related Items list |
Business Activity | Sequence for Business Activity Status list per Activity Type |
Business Activity | Contact Information is not copied for new Business Activity created from a Sales Order |
Business Alerts | Include Customer Name and Type on Sales Order Mgmt tab |
Business Alerts | Added by user on Business Alerts changes to Assigned by user when completed |
Configuration | Carrier Void Option list doesn’t not allow user to add additional records |
Configuration | Warehouse Description (Name) should be required |
Configuration | Workflow Status Code drop down shows K as “Picked” instead of “Packaging” |
Configuration | Default Branch in Customer Options cannot be cleared |
Configuration | “Either BOF or EOF is True” received when adding new Product Type |
Create Company | Include “Full Name” for QuickBooks Units of Measure list |
Create Company | Create Company window should show in the task bar |
Create Company | Component list for Assembly items does not always come over during create company |
Create Company | Create company exception error. “Out of memory. Copying customers” |
Create Company | Performance issues with Create Company when assembly items exist in QuickBooks |
Create Company | Improve progress reporting and responsiveness of Create Company |
Create Company | “Object variable or With block variable not set” during Sales Order import |
Create Company | “Invalid use of Null” during Sales Order import |
Create Company | Conversion failed when converting the varchar value to data type int |
Create Company | Multiple “Unexpected/Invalid LineType while setting new product” messages in logs |
Create Company | Create company may ask “True Would you like to review the SyncLog?” if there are no sales orders |
Create Company | “Overflow Copying customer messages” exception received during Create Company |
Customer | Acctivate ship to locations should have Tax/VAT Codes instead of Tax Categories for international editions |
Customer | Customer Information window loads slowly with a very large number of Ship To Locations |
Customer | “Unable to open table: Ar_CustPrice” error on Customer Information window when not licensed for Inventory with CYMA 13.0 or later |
Database Maintenance | “Type mismatch” may occur after backing up database |
Demo Company | Demo QuickBooks file should be located in Public Documents folder |
Demo Company | Reload Demo Data should replace QuickBooks company file from ACCT.ini |
EDI | EDI Manager for Acctivate UK Edition |
EDI | “Product ID … not stocked in warehouse” during EDI Customer Purchase Order Import should be a warning only |
Support for sending email via SMTP for email server requiring TLS Security | |
Email Account/Server settings per user to override company-wide settings | |
General | Change company should close all open windows like opening configuration manager does. |
Import | “Cannot insert record” message when updating existing customers only |
Import | Product spreadsheet import doesn’t show complete statistics |
Import | Unable to import updated product list prices without mapping two template fields to ProductID |
Import | Cost Method was set to Standard after using Import Data tool to change Assembly items to Standard Kits |
Installation | Move Acctivate Configuration file, Custom Reports and Log to ACCTivateData shared folder |
Installation | “The given key was not present in the dictionary.” error may be received logging into ACCTivate |
Installation | Could not install Microsoft .NET 3.5 (Error 1) on Windows 8 |
Installation | “Must close or hide topmost modal form first” error when changing companies |
Inventory | New table for Lot / Serial Information (Number, expiration date, reference and specification) |
Inventory | Unit Cost in LotSerialInventory view does not match the displayed Unit Cost on Lot tab when Balance Adjustment posted |
Inventory | Divide by zero error on negative receipt for FIFO |
Inventory | Allow some changes to Assembly Type even for products with transactions |
Inventory | Warehouse Last Cost is selected for Customer Return/Credit for a $0.00 lot/serial number using Actual Cost method |
Inventory | Receipt sessions adding duplicate lines after removal |
Inventory | “Lot / Serial Number is required” messages when selecting lot/serial number for an Inventory Transaction |
Inventory | Entering a lot/serial product on an Inventory Transfer bypasses the lot/serial number field |
Inventory | Recurring “Quantity must be a number” message may be received entering quantity for serialized product on Inventory Transfer |
Inventory | Changing product on Inventory Transfer may not remove the lot/serial number |
Inventory | Grid border may still show on screen after saving Inventory Transfer window. |
Inventory | “Row cannot be located for updating…” message when posting Inventory Transfer |
Inventory | Assembly Component Quantity may not be updated after adjusting the Assembly Quantity |
Inventory | Block changes to product cost method if there are any posted inventory transactions |
Landed Cost | Load Items on Landed Cost window from an Inventory Assembly session |
Landed Cost | Landed Cost should not adjust Unit Cost or Inventory Value for items using Standard Cost method |
Landed Cost | Quantity on a Landed Cost transaction may show as negative until you save the transaction |
Landed Cost | Unable to save Landed Cost session for Transfers with Lot or Serial Numbers |
Landed Cost | Option to Allocate Landed Cost by Volume (Product Specs tab) |
Landed Cost | “No Landed Cost session exists for this line” appearing for customers without a license for landed cost |
Landed Cost | Unable to create landed cost on inventory transfer of lot controlled item with Actual cost. |
Landed Cost | Rounding Discrepancy Too large for FixUpRounding error when posting Landed Cost Session |
Landed Cost | “Conversion failed when converting from a character string…” when posting Landed Cost |
Landed Cost | Cannot delete rows from Landed Cost from Purchase Invoice |
Landed Cost | Invalid Use of Null received when opening Landed Cost session from PO |
Lookup | Blank column(s) may appear to the far right on Lookup windows |
Mobile | Scanning a pick ticket will return ‘Order was not found in list’ if not completed |
Mobile | Additional Serial numbers added on Mobile Transfer may not be saved |
Mobile | Support for Datamatrix and DataBar barcodes on Mobile device |
Pricing | “Mgmt Cost + …” pricing doesn’t use Management Cost when Cost Method is Standard |
Product | An Assembly should not be allowed to be a component of itself |
Product | Product Lot Number reference information is removed after posting Inventory Adjustment transaction |
Product | Allow updates to “Location” field on Lot/Serial window when not using Multiple Location Control |
Purchasing | Outstanding quantity is not reduced by Purchase Invoices for non-inventoried and non-standard lines |
Purchasing | Shortcut keys to insert/delete lines in Purchase Order data grid (Ctrl+Ins and Ctrl+Del) |
Purchasing | Shortcut keys to move lines in Purchase Order data grid (Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down) |
Purchasing | Amount Approved on Purchase Invoice may be re-calculated due to rounding problems |
Purchasing | Amount Approved may not be calculated correctly if multiple receipt lines for lot/serial numbers exist |
Purchasing | Purchase Invoice may not select the correct A/P account for the vendor’s currency |
Purchasing | Inactive Tax Codes do not display on PO |
Purchasing | Item total amount displayed on Purchase Order report incorrect for Drop Ship item if quantity changed |
Purchasing | PO Ship To lines are limited to 30 characters rather than 41 per line |
Purchasing | Completed PO lines may be included on Purchase Invoice |
Purchasing | Outstanding Amount on completed PO should not include Non-Standard or Non-Inventoried items |
Purchasing | PO lines may be removed after opening Custom Fields pop-up window |
Purchasing | Invoices tab of Purchase Order includes home currency symbol for foreign currency POs |
Purchasing | Rounding issues on Purchase Order due to Unit of Measure, Exchange Rate and/or VAT tax calculations |
Quick Quote | Incorrect Quick Quote extended prices if sales unit differs from stocking unit |
Sales Order | Changing the product ID on a sales order does not remove lot/serial numbers from prior product ID |
Sales Order | Shortcut keys to insert/delete lines in Sales Order data grid (Ctrl+Ins and Ctrl+Del) |
Sales Order | Shortcut keys to move lines in Sales Order data grid (Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down) |
Sales Order | “Schedule” function on Business Alerts Sales Order Mgmt tab and Sales Order window to re-schedule order(s) based on current availability |
Sales Order | “Schedule” button on Sales Order Window and Sales Order Mgmt tab of Business Alerts, to update scheduled and backordered quantities |
Sales Order | Sales Order lookup by Web Order Number not available unless registered for Web Store Integration |
Sales Order | Sales Order not calculating correctly when using Case pricing instead of Each pricing |
Sales Order | Special Customer Prices or Price Codes may not be selected during Sales Order entry |
Sales Order | Sales order entry is locked after entering an invalid Product ID for an existing line |
Sales Order | “Invalid procedure call or argument” may occur when selecting a customer for a sales order |
Sales Order | Grid cell contents are not selected when using the down arrow in the Sales Order detail grid |
Sales Order | Keep same window when changing Quote to Sales Order |
Sales Order | Object variable or With block variable not set when adding a non-standard detail line to a sales order |
Sales Order | Sales order ship to location is blank for orders with new customers. |
Sales Order | Backordered Sales Order Detail lines not recording correctly |
Sales Order | Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘GUIDOrderDetail’ error when saving Sales Order |
Sales Order Import | “Cannot change ordered qty on top-level line of assortment.” when importing a sales order with an assortment item |
Sales Order Import | “Path not found” when clicking Create on Sales Order Import on workstation |
Sales Order Import | Imported sales orders neglects sales class when customer is new and class tracking is by customer type |
Sales Order Import | Include Order Status in template option for Sales Order Import and Web Store Sync |
Sales Tax | Integration with Avalara AvaTax Sales Tax service |
Sales Tax | Tax Exempt Entity/Use Code configured for each Customer Type for Avalara |
Synchronization | Duplicate Invoice, Payment, Bill or Journal records may exist in QuickBooks after a failed synchronization |
Synchronization | Only “Synchronize tax as QuickBooks invoice line” for discrepancies with calculated sales tax in QuickBooks |
Synchronization | “Rounding discrepancy too large …” when synchronizing invoices with “Synchronize tax as QuickBooks invoice lines” option |
Synchronization | “No value has been set” error received when synchronizing new customer with only a ship address to QuickBooks |
Synchronization | “Invalid use of Null insert order line…” for non-taxable invoices in VAT editions of QuickBooks |
Synchronization | QuickBooks sync may erroneously report that invoice discount amount has changed |
Synchronization | “Credit Memo transaction … has an unknown type” for Credit Card Refunds with QuickBooks Canada |
Synchronization | Object Variable type error or crash after QuickBooks out-of-memory error |
Synchronization | “The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context” during customer synchronization with QuickBooks |
Synchronization | Synchronization sets InProgressUser and InProgressDate after upgrading to QuickBooks 2014 or later, thus blocking payments |
Synchronization | Acctivate may recreate transactions removed due to QuickBooks condense |
User Interface | Packaging Manager option drop down menu does not appear when licensed in UK version |
Web Store | Web Store Integration with 3dcart |
Web Store | Add Sales Tax Amount mapping to Amazon web store default template |
Web Store | Improvements to shipment items included in Web Store shipment export |
Web Store | Exporting Availability to MagentoGo may run very slow |
Web Store | Include ability to export Shipment Carrier when option selected for Volusion web store |
Web Store | “Invalid column name ‘customername’…” error may be received downloading Orders using the Volusion webstore template |