Built For

Acctivate provides operational insight – wherever, whenever


Centralized Data


Acctivate is a godsend in that it allows us to see a minute-by-minute of where we’re exactly at inventory-wise and provides reports as far as what outstanding POs and sales orders we have. All that, not only helps keep track of things, but helps communication throughout the company with every employee to know what’s going on for the week and what we have”
Ron Petersen, Owner, Summertime Potato

The ability to view inventory, production orders, sales orders, etc., in real-time not only saves time and money, but generates more operational accuracy and efficiency for a business.
If somebody were to call up and say, ‘I need x amount of this. Do you have them in stock?’ we used to put them on hold, go out to the warehouse and count them. We don’t have to do that now – we can pull it up in Acctivate and say, ‘Yes, we have x amount in stock’ – and that’s just how it should be. I’m glad we finally got there with Acctivate.”
Marty Monroe, Controller, DSX Access Systems, Inc.

Centralized Data
Instead of opening file after file, program after program, to find all the information you need, a system with centralized data makes it so you can view all of your information, easily, in one place.
We have 30 different variations for some products and each spec is a little different. It’s much easier to keep all of the information in one system. When a customer calls in to get those specs, it’s all right there at our fingertips in Acctivate. It’s easy.”
Schean Barrett, Chief Operations Officer, Performance Racing Warehouse

A weakness many companies suffer from is their lack of visibility into inventory, orders, sales, vendors, etc. With enhanced visibility, a company becomes more knowledgeable and cost-efficient.
With Acctivate, I know everything that’s being bought, where it’s going, and where it sits. I don’t have to keep it on a spreadsheet and I don’t have to bug people.”
Barry de Nicola, CFO, Edge360

Whether you need access for one or for 50, the ability for multiple users to access the same information anytime, anywhere can be a game changer for productivity and decision making.
All of us can log on at the same time. We have two servers – one is for internal use and the other one is external for all the sales people, who access our remote server. The sales people are in a few states and if they want to access Acctivate to look at what they sold, what products are available, or at customers, they can login to the remote server. We have no problems.”
Jessica Chang, Office Manager, Continental D.I.A. Diamond Products

Discover the other benefits gained with Acctivate
One of our Acctivate specialists would love to talk to you and help you see if Acctivate is right for your business.
Call us at 817-870-1311