Support Specialist

TuQuynh Nguyen

TuQuynh Nguyen, Support Specialist

TuQuynh Nguyen is a Support Specialist with the Acctivate team and an Acctivate inventory expert. TuQuynh helps resolve customers’ problems by using her inventory management expertise to get customers back to work as soon as possible.

TuQuynh attended The University of Texas at Arlington and holds a degree in Information Technology.

TuQuynh appreciates the teamwork and comradery she experiences daily as part of the Acctivate team.

TuQuynh enjoys spending her free time hanging out at a local cafe, reading books, and drawing when she isn’t working.

TuQuynh’s most intriguing interest surrounding technology is not what it can do for us – which so far seems to be quite a bit.


Support Specialist


University of Texas at Arlington

More fun facts…

Myers-Briggs: INFP: The Mediator

Creative Type: The Dreamer