Built For

Tracking Lot Numbers in Your Warehouse
Acctivate’s Lot Number Tracking adds source-to-sale traceability, leading to better inventory visibility and control.
Manage all product lot numbers to sell & track each after adding/creating the numbers upon inventory receipt and/or via product imports.
Control product shelf life with the ability to capture, manage and report on expiry & best by dates per lot number.
On-demand access to lot usage from source to fulfillment, a clear view of the journey of raw materials to end product & linked notes and emails—all contained in one spot to handle situations, i.e., recalls.
Accurately capture Cost of Goods Sold with the ability to associate multiple costs of the product per lot number.
Scan barcodes encoded with a lot number to receive items, pick orders, count inventory, transfer between warehouses & manage workflows via a mobile device.
Record & manage production as it happens & eliminate inaccuracies through batch/lot number tracking for components and finished goods.
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Swiftly Address & Handle Issues, i.e, Product Defects & Recalls for Raw & Finished Products
Know and track finished goods and each component via lot/batch numbers to handle arising situations with ease. Lot numbered products can be tracked from origination to production to fulfillment instantly.
Multi-level bill of materials (BOM) allow for unlimited components to be specified for the production of a finished good assembly or kit along with the lot number and actual cost value.
Also, gain full workflow visibility of products during manufacturing to easily locate products and perform cost analysis.

cost management
Capture True Cost of Goods Sold at the Lot Number Level
Acctivate offers an actual cost method to tie multiple costs to a group of products by lot number by figuring the weighted average of all purchases for the specific lot.
Any additional costs, beyond the purchase price of a product such as duties, taxes, VAT, government fees, customs, freight, insurance and other charges are figured into the per unit cost with easy allocation using Acctivate’s Landed Cost feature.
Optimize Warehouse Operations with the Ability to Generate & Scan Lot Number Encoded Barcodes
When product arrives at your warehouse, items are picked off warehouse shelves, inventory counts for a multitude of products are performed, product needs to be transferred from one warehouse to another—Acctivate Mobile Warehouse Management functioning on a mobile barcode device injects precision & speed into these operations.
With a single scan of the lot numbered barcode the processes are initiated and completed on the mobile device, which can be critical for compliance with regulatory requirements in some industries.

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