Create a Purchase Order

There are a few different ways to initiate the manual creation of a Purchase Order in Acctivate.
One of the most intuitive ways to create a Purchase Order is to use the Vendor List on the left toolbar. When you open the vendor list, you can begin typing to filter down the vendor list until you find the Vendor you want to create a Purchase Order for. Click on the Vendor name in the list and use the + Create… menu to choose Purchase Order to create a Purchase Order for this vendor.
Another way to create a Purchase Order would be to start from the Purchasing List first. Select Purchasing on the left navigation bar and click the + New Purchase Order button at the bottom of the list. Once the Enter Purchase Order window opens, use the lookup next to the Supplier field to find and select a Vendor.
A third way to create a Purchase Order is to start with the Enter Purchase Orders window. To do so, click the Purchase Order icon on the toolbar, or go to Purchasing > Enter Purchase Orders. In the Enter Purchase Orders window, click New and use the lookup next to the Supplier field to find and select a Vendor.

Fill in Additional Purchase Order information
Once you create a Purchase Order with a vendor, you may choose to add additional information to the Purchase Order Header.
- The Requested date will default based on defined Purchasing Options. You can override this date if necessary. This is the date you wish to convey to your vendor as the Requested Delivery Date.
- If you have multiple warehouses, you can use the Warehouse drop down to select the warehouse, which will update the Purchase Order’s Ship to Address.
- The Related Document field is a searchable text field used for internal purposes.
- Below the address information, the Terms code will default based on the vendors default terms code as defined in QuickBooks. If no terms code assigned, Acctivate will use the Default from the Purchase Order section of Configuration Management.
- The Ship Via will default based on what is set in the Configuration Manager, but can be overridden as necessary.
- The Reference field is a text field that prints on the Purchase Order forms.
- While the Requested by and Approved by fields on the purchase order can be manually entered in, the Approved by field will automatically populate with the user who approved the PO if it was approved by a user other than who created it.
- At the bottom of the Purchase Order you can enter in Purchase Order specific Special Instructions that will print on the PO.
Enter Purchase Order Details
Now that you’ve filled in any relevant header information, you can add PO details to finish constructing the PO.
- To add a product, click in the Product ID field and type the full Product ID or use the lookup button to lookup and select a Product. You can also toggle the line Type field and use the “*” to add a note line or set the type to “N” to add the product as a Non-standard product.
- If you’ve previously setup a Vendor Product ID, this information will display in the Vendor Product ID field. If you have multiple vendor Product ID’s for this product and vendor, you can click in that field and use the drop down to select one. Alternatively, you can manually type in a Vendor Product ID for use on this specific PO. After adding the ID on the PO detail, this information will show on newly created purchase orders in the future for the same product and vendor combination.
- Next, enter in the Ordered quantity and set the Ordered Unit. These will also default based first on product vendor defaults, then based on product purchasing default. You can manually change the Unit if necessary.
- Enter in the purchase Price. This will default based on a hierarchy of information, however a user with permission can manually change the price on this PO.
- Optionally, you can enter in line level special Instructions below the amount field. You can pop this field out into its own window by clicking the ellipsis button.
- Repeat steps 1-5 until all products added.
- Save the order by clicking the save icon or CTRL+S on your keyboard.