Sales List

Sales List
Acctivate shows an easy to read list of sales orders by utilizing the left navigation Sales menu. The default Filter of this Sales List is set to Open only with the option to create customized filters to be saved for future use.
To begin a search within the Sales List, start typing in the Search by name or details field just below the selected filter. The lookup will begin performing a global search based on what you’re typing to give the best match as results.
For each sales order shown in the Sales List as a match, the user can quickly see the Order Number in bold letters with the Order Status to the right. If the order has an associated Company Name, you’ll see it listed directly below the order number. Orders which have overdue shipping dates listed will show the text Late in red below the status.
Select the order you wish to review within the Sales List to see more details in the read only window to the right of the list. The Order Number and Customer ID show above the Edit, Copy, Print, Email, and Create buttons.
- Edit: Opens Enter Sales Order Window in Edit mode for the user to update the order.
- Copy: Creates a copy of the selected Sales Order.
- Print: Prints the default Order form for the selected customer.
- Email: Opens the email order window with the default order form attached as a pdf and utilizes default email message template.
- Create: Menu to create documents, such as a Payment, Credit Memo, Drop Ship / Special Order PO, Assembly Session, Business Activity, and Note. When using this menu, all documents automatically open with the customer selected and ready to enter details.
The main body of the read only sales order window shows the Sales Order and Timeline tabs, as well as Custom for when custom fields exist.
On the right-hand side, users can see pertinent Info, such as linked Customer record, Status of order, Workflow Status with updated timestamp and user, Date Entered, Contact, and Shipping Information, such as Ship Via, FOB, and Requested Ship Date.

Sales Order
The Sales Order tab shows the Bill To and Ship To addresses, as well as the order details and any shipping or special instructions listed on the order. If there are lot/serial numbers selected on the order or drop ship/special order purchase orders, you’ll see those details below the related lines on the order.
Within the order details, users can easily see what’s ordered, price, amount, and taxable status. To modify what fields who on screen, click Columns to show/hide optional columns. The most common addition is Scheduled and Outstanding quantities.
The Timeline shows all linked activities related to the customer. Users filter on specific types of activities by clicking the Type drop down menu. Additional filtering capability exists in the Look for box next to the Type filter. Begin typing some value to search the timeline for specific information. Acctivate will automatically start populating the data as you type.

Available Type Filters
- Business Activities: Any Business Activity with the selected customer listed as a related item.
- Invoices: Sales Invoices related to selected Sales Order.
- Notes and Emails: Notes linked to the selected order window, as well as any Emails sent from the order itself.
- Shipments: Information displayed on the Packages tab of the Sales Order. This includes Shipments from Packaging Manager and any integration Shipping Workstation application.
While viewing the Timeline, moving the mouse over each activity prompts certain actions. Hovering over any activity created in Acctivate which has edit capabilities will show the pencil icon where the activity icon appears. For example, clicking this on an Invoice activity opens the Invoice window for the user to modify any header details. Anything appearing to be a hyperlink will open the related read only window. When clicking a linked Invoice number, Acctivate opens the related Invoice in a Read Only window for review. The same function exists on all hyperlinked text.
When utilizing Sales Order custom fields, you’ll also see a Custom tab. This tab will show all custom field data entered on the Additional Info tab of the Sales Order.